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Dubbelschaduw (Double Shadow)
Oil on panel, glazed ceramic frame (2013)
A kind of tree seems to throw a double shadow of its trunk on the ground. Two painted yellow light sources. Outside the painting a third yellow ball throwing a shadow on the painting according to a variable light source in the room. The work has a frame made of glazed ceramics. The painting can not be 'removed' without damaging the art work.
The relation between painting and its environment is one of the recurring themes in my work. The frame finds itself in the position of being part of the environment and part of the art work at the same time. The color and design of the frame participates in the impression of the art work. I used to design frames for individual paintings. In "Bourgondisch Wijnrood" (around 1998) the color of the frame is where the name of the painting is most meaningful. In "Kandinsky Birds / Balance" (1995) the frame was altered so the painting would have to be seen at an angle. In "Dubbelschaduw" the frame adds another layer of meaning to the 'double' meaning of the painting. It reminds us that no work exists in a vacuum. There is always a bigger context.
In the past I used to adopt this personal theory about the frame as a kind of jacket, a protection given to works so they could start their uncertain voyage through life. The more unknown the artist the more durable the jacket had to be because recognition could not expected to come during one's lifetime and as a consequence the works or their meaning as part of an oeuvre could get lost more easily. The jacket became part of the identity of the work. I sometimes put two red dots (a kind of artist ID often present in my work) on the frame instead of the work 'itself' ("Tunnel Vision", 2008). I considered the attention to the frame related to a philosophical question about the role of 'art' in society, to the meaning of this object called 'painting'. Through this reflection on the boundaries and relationship between the work and its environment a painting often became more three dimensional, more like a 'hanging sculpture' then a painting. More like an object instead of an image.
Similar reflections were made about 'the backside' of a work resulting in two sided paintings, about the artist identification as being part of a work or not, and about functionality of art works resulting for example in boxes as part of an artwork or the frame ("Espíritu de moderación y abundancia", 2001 / "Rey destrozado", 2002 / "Tekenblok", 2007).
Dubbelschaduw (Double Shadow) on my website www.expoo.info:
Information about Dubbelschaduw (in Dutch):
Pièce unique met certificaat.